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 Curriculum Unit: Capturing the Essence of my Family 

Family is a universal social unit which every student can relate to. Family connections are very important whether it is created through biology, adoption, marriage or strong emotional bond. Families can be very different but usually family members care for each other very much and share special human connections which are important to cherish.

Often, the dynamics between the children and the adults shift during adolescence because the relationship becomes more equal and the teenager can contribute more to the family’s well being. In fact, adolescents’  cognitive maturity allows them to understand the needs of others and work on shared goals. Contributing to other social groups such as family, community and peers can help them realise that they can have a positive effect on the world.     

In this Curriculum Unit the students will explore how artists around the world represent their families in their artworks and then think of their loved ones and work on their own family portrait which will represent the essence of their family unit. They will be able to present their final artwork to their classmates and recognise that all families can look very different but they are equally important.

Would you like to draw a face?

Lessons Download:

Lesson 1: History and Culture   

  • Intro to Vietnamese artist Vu Cao Dam.

  • Intro to Impressionism.                  

Lesson 2: Visual Literacy  

  • Intro to the basics of color theory and color meanings.                              

Lesson 3: Art Production—Skill Building 

  • Apply acrylic paint using a variety of techniques. 

  • Create a basic portrait with proportionally accurate facial features.         

Lesson 4: Art Production—Artwork   

  • Students will be creating a Family Portrait which hopefully can be kept as an heirloom.                

Lesson 5: Art Criticism

  •    Time to critique and reflect on your artwork.