Why art education?

In order to  meet the  demands of an ever-changing world children need to be prepared to be adoptable, flexible and open minded. Humans are multilayered  creatures who have the inner drive to establish themselves as individuals. It is a common myth to assume that it is natural for everyone to develop a “balanced'' personality but in reality it is a delicate process which needs nurturing and support, from knowledgeable adults, to guide the children through this journey . Art requires using both sides of the brain – that is, both logical and intuitive functions. Thus, our educational system shouldn’t be linear. 

Art is a medium which helps children  experiment with complex skills such as  intellectual risk taking, problem solving, critical and creative thinking. Mastering those skills  will give them a strong foundation for future challenges in life. I mentioned only a few skills  children are able to develop when engaged in art-based activities, which should be carefully  designed by the high-quality trained art teachers.

There are theories, strategies and professional courses which support that Art Education positively affects a child's development but at the same time studies show that children lose their creativity and their excitement about learning from as early as two or three years!  I have observed educators with poor teaching practices because Art integration often falls on teachers who are not trained in this discipline resulting in bad quality of teaching which can destroy artistic creativity by inappropriate or insufficient stimulation. Thus, it is a child’s right, at any age, to a high quality Art Education so they are able to  develop the great potential of their mind,  according to Dr. Montanaro, “The results will not only include better functioning of the brain but also greater happiness in their personal and social life”. 
